
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
TGS 259-The Washington's Immortals Episode Part Two
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
We spoke with critically acclaimed military combat author Patrick K. O'Donnell at the release of his best-selling book, Washington's Immortals.
Now, the paperback version is out, and Washington's Immortals is on the Amazon best-sellers list in hardback, paperback, and audio.
On this episode, we'll pick up where we left off with the Maryland & Delaware regiments that saved Washington's Army as they march south--some men traveling over 4,000 miles on foot. We'll talk about the food, the conditions, engagements at Camden and Cowpens--as well as some pretty rudimentary medical procedures.
We'll also learn about Patrick Stewart's interest--that's right, Captain Picard himself--in the Immortals and their final resting place as we go even deeper into Revolutionary War history with Patrick K. O'Donnell.

Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
TGS 258-The Comedian Arty 84 Interview
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Arty 84 is a lot of things. Comedian, DJ, designer--and sports writer.
His website--ThePackie.com--chronicles all sorts of sports and entertainment. And, it's where he's launching his quest to become a Boston Red Sox beat writer.
We'll cover standup comedy, the New England Patriots, Major League Soccer, and anything else that comes up--including Tom's studio being interrupted by some electricity salesmen--as we chat with Arty.
Plus, you can click this link right here to enjoy the HILARIOUS story of Arty's visit to a wedding in Florida.
Hear from a multi-talented guy on a quest as we talk with Arty 84 (Arty DeMattia) on this Bostonish episode of The Tom Gulley Show.

Thursday Mar 09, 2017
TGS 257-The Frank Iszak Interview
Thursday Mar 09, 2017
Thursday Mar 09, 2017
FREEDOM. Some talk about it, but Frank Iszak and six of his cohorts risked it all for it.
His book, Freedom Flight, brilliantly chronicles an amazingly daring escape from ruthless oppression at the hands of the Soviet-Communist regime behind The Iron Curtain.
With no weapons, no maps, and no idea if the plane would even have enough fuel to reach West Germany where they would gain their precious freedom, they staged a mid-air takeover of a domestic flight. Failure meant certain death.
The book also skillfully details the slow, inexorable deprivation of rights--step by step--that led to a Communist state that relied on fear and terror to keep its people subservient to the government.
Get it on Amazon TODAY. It's a unique personal account of experiencing--and escaping--the Communist regime behind the Iron Curtain.
Be with us as we detail a most incredible tale of an escape like no other as we speak with Frank Iszak--author of Freedom Flight--on this very special episode of The Tom Gulley Show.

Saturday Feb 25, 2017
TGS 256-The Celebrating Jack Benny Episode
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
Jack Benny was the king of radio.
So, we talked with Laura Leibowitz of the International Jack Benny Fan Club, and queen of all things Benny.
We'll cover Jack, the cast, the sponsors, the genius of the show's format, the Fred Allen feud, the legends, the lore, the famous moments, and even the Benny family florist in an interview that covers a lot but really doesn't even scratch the surface of the greatest media personality of the 20th century.
Sit back in our audio Maxwell as we all pretend we're 39 and celebrate Jack Benny with Laura Leibowitz on this episode that's presented at a price Jack would certainly appreciate. (FREE!)
And make sure to check out JackBenny.org for more of Jack--along with the International Jack Benny Fan Club Facebook page.

Monday Feb 20, 2017
TGS 255-The Human Trafficking Episode
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Ashton Kutcher testified before the Senate on human trafficking. But what would you say if you knew that human trafficking takes place each and every day--most likely in your town--each and every day in the USA?
Human trafficking also includes women trapped into performing sexual services through force, fraud, and coersion in prostitution. Women trapped in a situtation where they're forced to work in the sex trades against their will.
Law enforcement officer Jon Daggy has written a book on the subject called Paying For it, which details all the aspects of human trafficking in the sex trade here in the US, in Sweden, Israel, and the rest of the world.
Find out just how women from all ages and backgrounds are working right now in human trafficking on this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.

Saturday Feb 04, 2017
TGS 254-The Rock, Power & Politics Episode
Saturday Feb 04, 2017
Saturday Feb 04, 2017
Bruce Springsteen's 4-F card. Joni Mitchell's guitar. James Brown's lyrics on hotel stationery. Bob Dylan's harmonica.
What do they have in common?
They're all symbols of rock music's relentless freedom of expression that can provoke thought and provide social commentary--and they're all part of an exhibit called Louder Than Words at the Newseum in Washington, DC. In partnership with the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.
Our guest, Patty Rhule, is the director of exhibit development at the Newseum, and she deftly takes us on an audio journey through amazing artifacts, cultural history, the First Amendment, and popular music's ability to speak deeper than the spoken word.
Join us as we explore our right to freedom of expression along with our right to ROCK on this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.

Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
TGS 253-The Author Christina McDowell Interview
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
The Wolf Of Wall Street wasn't quite the big, bad wolf when it ran into Christina McDowell.
The author poignantly, and confrontationally called out director Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio in an open letter for glorifying the exploits of Jordan Belfort--and told the shattering tale of how that exploitation and swindling led to the destruction of her family.
Thanks, in great part, to the actions of her father--a Belfort cohort who also engaged in the behavior. In fact, her father stole her identity and racked up $100,000 in personal debt for his daughter before going to prison.
She tells the entire story in her brilliant memoir, After Perfect, which you can find on Amazon, or her website--ChristinaMcDowell.com--or wherever fine books are sold.
Listen to this very skilled writer tell a story of betrayal, loss, and ultimately redemption on this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.

Tuesday Jan 10, 2017
TGS 252-The Film Author Wes Gehring Interview
Tuesday Jan 10, 2017
Tuesday Jan 10, 2017
Everybody likes to watch movies. A lot of people like to talk about movies. And, certainly, there's a whole burgeoning industry filled with fanboys reviewing--and usually whining--in an esoteric manner about movies.
But, suffice it to say that in keeping with our program, we didn't get an amateur.
We were lucky enough to sequester award-winning film historian and author Dr. Wes Gehring, author of the book Genre-Busting Dark Comedies Of The 1970s. And 35 other or so other books on film.
We'll discuss the 12 films the book examines--MASH, Catch-22, Little Big Man, Harold and Maude, Cabaret, Slaughterhouse-Five, Chinatown, Love and Death, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Annie Hall, Being There, and All That Jazz.
Naturally, we recommend that you pick up Genre-Busting Dark Comedies Of The 1970s--and soon. Or, for a fuller listing of his works, visit Amazon, and behold. You'll thank us profusely after the first read.
Sit back and listen to some heavy duty film analysis of a ground-breaking genre with our esteemed guest, Dr. Wes Gehring on this exciting episode of The Tom Gulley Show.

Monday Dec 05, 2016
TGS 251-The Cyberbullying Episode
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Who amongst us, in this digital age, hasn't run across a cyberbully or been cyberharassed online? What's up with those trolls? Well, we went out and found an amazing expert to explain it all. Leeza Steindorf.
Ms. Steindorf's list of accomplishments are so impressive and so vast, Tom actually ran out of breath just listing the highlights. And her latest book--Connected Parent, Empowered Child--covers bullying and cyberbullying as well as a host of other topics that can aid parents in ensuring that their children are equipped to take on both the digital and corporeal world.
Naturally, you'll want to pick it up on Amazon.
Then, Tom talks for the first time EVER on TGS about the huge cyberharassment he received back in 2011. Just as a precursor to a cyberharassment episode (from some harassment THIS YEAR) YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE.
We won't bully anybody into it, but we highly suggest that you enjoy the wisdom of Leeza Steindorf on this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.

Wednesday Aug 10, 2016
TGS 250-The Anneros Valensi Podcast
Wednesday Aug 10, 2016
Wednesday Aug 10, 2016
Remember the "Mad Men" era when airline flight was hallmarked by the stylish, glamorous, and service-oriented stewardesses?
Well, you're going back there on this podcast, as we speak with Anneros Valensi, author of "Where Is Home?"--an absolutely fascinating life story that you can pick up on Amazon--or on Barnes & Noble.
You'll hear about how Ms. Valensi trained with TWA, then traveled all over the US and Europe. You learn how the stewardesses dressed, lived, were treated by the airlines (including a weight requirement), and just what it was like to fly the friendly skies in a time when air travel was a lot more elegant.
Keep your tray table in its upright, locked position as you enjoy this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.