
Tuesday Oct 21, 2014
TGS 221-Ronny Spears & Friends Podcast
Tuesday Oct 21, 2014
Tuesday Oct 21, 2014
Back in October of 2012, Ronny Spears put on a big benefit for his Aunt Sue up at The Cowboy Club in Van Alstyne, Texas.
And a star-studded lineup of Texas music stars came out to pitch in. It was an incredible night--filled with great friends, great music, and great times.
More than anything, it was family. Because that's what the Texas music community is.
And, the family lost one of its favorite brothers this week. So sit back, listen to some people swap some stories and play some great music. And listen in to the love and respect everyone had for the late great Ronny Spears.

Monday Oct 20, 2014
TGS 220-The Ronny Spears Podcast
Monday Oct 20, 2014
Monday Oct 20, 2014
The Texas music world took a pretty big hit to its heartstrings today.
Ronny Spears--a Texas musician who defined the hardcore honkytonk ideal and passed it along to so many others while making friends along the way--sadly, has passed away.
Ronny was a constant. Like the sun in the sky. Always around. You could take comfort in the act Ronny was playing somewhere near you. The White Elephant. Love & War. Hank's. You name the place.
And like the sun, Ronny shined brightly. In his collaborations with others. In his kindness. In his masterful songwriting. And, in his fierce belief in having something to say with a song. Something HE wanted to say.
Tomorrow, we'll have the podcast from our trip to The Cowboy Club where Ronny threw a benefit for his Aunt Su-Su. But tonight, here's our talk with everybody's friend, Ronny Spears.

Sunday Oct 19, 2014
TGS 219-The Ebola Virus Interview
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
The ebola virus has reached the shores of the United States.
And it's created a nationwide frenzy of fear. So much is unknown about this disease in the USA. How it got here. How it was transferred. And, what we can expect in the future.
In yet another in a string of unprecedented media coups, The Tom Gulley Show lands the interview everyone's been dying to get. We interview The Ebola Virus itself.
Learn how the disease got here, how it's spread, and what it does in its spare time.

Monday Oct 06, 2014
TGS 218-The LA Trip Part 4 with Serge & Robert
Monday Oct 06, 2014
Monday Oct 06, 2014
Our LA trip podcast series comes to a sad conclusion as we head home on the train to Dallas.
But, along the way, we met a ton of interesting people. And you'll meet two of them on this episode.
First, you'll meet Serge--a guy at a crossroads. He's gotten rid of his possessions and got a one way ticket to Mineola, Texas. Why and what happens next will probably shock you.
Then, you'll meet cribbage master Robert. He's so serious about the game, he invented his own version. And, he's packing the board and game pieces to prove it.
It's all coming to you from The Texas Eagle--as we return to Union Station in Dallas after our big Los Angeles trip. All aboard.

Sunday Oct 05, 2014
TGS 217-The LA Trip Part 3 with Chris Gore & Amazing Tony Podcast
Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Sunday Oct 05, 2014
How do you know when you really rate? When you can have nachos with Chris Gore & Yoshi Obayashi--AND get an interview while they give you a ride to Union Station. We'll cover what Chris is up to thee days--including his vehicle of choice--and discuss past girls I met for one night.
How do you know you DOUBLE rate? When you run into a truly amazing guy named Tony while on the train ride back to Dallas. And he starts spinning an incredible story out of nowhere. We won't spill the beans here.
History buffs and Chris Gore fans alike will delight in this very special podcast--as our LA journey continues on the way home.

Saturday Oct 04, 2014
TGS 216-The LA Trip Part 2 with BroadScasting Podcast
Saturday Oct 04, 2014
Saturday Oct 04, 2014
Yes, the LA trip starts getting all glitzy and entertainment-ish!
We hate to drop names, but this episode contains highlights of Tom's exciting appearance on BroadScasting with Lori Downey, Jr., and Linette Miller! Which you can hear LIVE each Saturday on OutlawRadioUSA.com (or any of their many apps) at 1pm Pacific and 4pm Eastern.
During our chat, we'll talk bizarre bathroom incidents, Kip Addotta, staying with Linette, talking with dead people, Tom naturally manages to talk about the scurrilous behavior of the Kirby Museum, and much more.
Big thanks also to Magic Matt Alan and the Demons Of Decadence on Outlaw Radio for letting me sit in with them. It was a BLAST.

Friday Oct 03, 2014
TGS 215-The LA Trip Part 1 Podcast
Friday Oct 03, 2014
Friday Oct 03, 2014
Our big Los Angeles trip is just too big to be doled out in one gigantic podcast.
We went from LAX to beautiful Westlake Village. We enjoyed food trucks on Wilshire. PLUS--we got to see the inner workings of BroadScasting with Lori Downey, Jr.--and her gal pal Linette Miller.
Plus, an unexpected invite to sit in with the Demons Of Decadence on Outlaw Radio with Magic Matt Alan. All coming in a future podcast.
In this episode, you'll hear a babbling stranger on a bus, plenty of Linette Miller, and much more. Including Chinese drywall and bleachy head.

Wednesday Sep 24, 2014
TGS 214-The Theakston Speaks! On The Kirby Museum Debacle Podcast
Wednesday Sep 24, 2014
Wednesday Sep 24, 2014
Well, there's been a lot more back and forth about The Kirby Museum issue.
After the "museum" issued a press release and TWO subsequent conflicting accounts--Greg Theakston is back to comment on the John "Sticky Fingers" Morrow blog posting and the letter from Kirby Estate lawyer Paul Levine.
Plus, we'll talk about Jack Kirby. His love for chocolate. His relationship with Stan Lee. Plus, sad trolly fanboys--and much more.

Sunday Sep 21, 2014
TGS 213-The Brand New 20-Year Old Kirby Lawyer's Tale Podcast
Sunday Sep 21, 2014
Sunday Sep 21, 2014
Paul Levine has been representing Jack Kirby, The Rosalind Kirby Trust, or Lisa Kirby in some form or fashion since 1981.
Yet in all that time, he has never taken any legal action on behalf of his clients for the return of, or ownership of, property in the possession of Greg Theakston.
And certainly not items Greg Theakston insists were gifted to him some time in the 80's.
Hear as we go over some facts, then read the statement from Paul Levine, attorney for The Rosalind Kirby Trust and Lisa Kirby.

Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
TGS 212-The John Morrow Is Full Of It/Kirby Museum Podcast
Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
Greg Theakston--Jack Kirby collaborator with SEVEN lithographs in the permanent collection of the Museum Of Modern Art--STILL hasn't had his belongings returned by The Jack Kirby Museum.
We'll look at John Morrow, Kirby Museum trustee--and a guy who had a lot of financial reasons to insert himself into a controversy of his own creation.
For starters, we'll look at the fact that a month ago, the "Museum" stated the items were Greg's property. Now, suddenly and for the first time ever in the public eye, John Morrow claims they were never Greg's property and he's known that for 17 years.
In short, John Morrow is totally full of crap. Just listen in.