
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
TGS 195-Abe Lincoln
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
President Abraham Lincoln. They don't get any more "A" list than that.
We'll talk to the former President about his boyhood walks to borrow things, his wife Mary, his days as a frontier lawyer, the Lincoln-Douglas debates, and even his assassination.
It's an unforgettable interview with The Great Emancipator! Abe Lincoln! Don't miss it!

Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
TGS 193-Cupid
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Who better to close our our LOVE WEEK celebration than the deity of love himself, Cupid?
During our no-holds-barred, freewheeling interview, we'll discuss the best and the worst things about love, the stress of being in charge of all the love in the world, how he started shooting arrows into people, and how Cupid feels about love in general.

Friday Feb 14, 2014
TGS 192-Ted Krudjusiac
Friday Feb 14, 2014
Friday Feb 14, 2014
Relationship expert Ted Krudjusiac is not a licensed therapist, certified social worker, or anything official. He just has a way with the ladies.
Actually, as LOVE WEEK continues, this is a Throwback to 1995 edition.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
TGS 191-Dr. LeslieBeth Wish
Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
It's Valentine's Day--which for some is scarier than Halloween.
But not for Tom's guest, Dr. LeslieBeth Wish. She'll take the fear and mystery out of your love life using the knowledge from thousands of interviews.
Her book, Smart Relationship, is a must read for those interested in love. Go to LoveVictory.com and check it all out.

Friday Jan 10, 2014
TGS 188-Lori Downey, Jr
Friday Jan 10, 2014
Friday Jan 10, 2014
One of Tom's very biggest idols in the history of broadcasting was Morton Downey, Jr.
If you ever saw The Morton Downey, Jr. Show--you never forgot it. But on this episode, the late great man's wife, Lori Downey, tells us ALL about the brilliant and multi-talented man that did so much more than that totally revolutionary show.
Check Lori--and her pal Linette Miller--on their program, BroadScasting. Just look 'em up on Facebook.
If you don't like this episode, you can suck Tom's armpit.

Monday Dec 09, 2013
TGS 186-Author Tim Brady
Monday Dec 09, 2013
Monday Dec 09, 2013
Author Tim Brady skillfully weaves a tale of immense scope and heartfelt, true emotion in his lastest book, A Death In San Pietro.
The elements of two fighting companies of Texas soldiers, beloved war correspondent Ernie Pyle, flamboyant director John Huston, and the American military and political propaganda machine all are masterfully detailed.
Plus, the author braves The Lightning Round.
Get Mr. Brady's A Death In San Pietro on Amazon or wherever your finer publications are available.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2013
TGS 185-Love & Lightning Round
Tuesday Dec 03, 2013
Tuesday Dec 03, 2013
Tom headed out to Love & War in Texas to see Jimmy Duvall play with our good friends Convoy & The Cattlemen (Tom screwed up their music recording) and then legendary Wayne "The Train" Hancock.
Along the way Tom does The Lightning Round with a ton of folks as well as gets a few clips of Mr. Hancock. And Jimmy Duvall Stories.

Sunday Nov 24, 2013
TGS 184-Halloween Blues Jam
Sunday Nov 24, 2013
Sunday Nov 24, 2013
Every Thursday for the last 17 years, they've had an open blues jam at Keys Lounge in Fort Worth, Texas.
We checked out the event--hosted by Mr. Bobby Counts--and took in great
blues performers like Steve Hill, Cadillac Johnson, Ron Thompson, Killer
Bugg, J.B. Wynn, Blues Boy Bo, Beer Belly Slim, Jerry Clark, Mustang
Mike, Dan Ross, and many more.
And if you get a chance, purchase Bobby Counts' Christmas In Cowtown collection of blues Christmas songs. Google it and get it.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2013
TGS 181-Dave Lerman
Tuesday Nov 05, 2013
Tuesday Nov 05, 2013
Dave Lerman has done it all.
Opened for Kinison. Regular on The Howard Stern Show. Worked Wrestlemania. Had sex with Jessica Hahn. Delivered Cialis to BB King. And, oh so much more.
And also, Dave Lerman is dying of cancer.
He talks about it all as he details his wild 30 year ride in the entertainment business.
Dave Lerman. On The Tom Gulley Show.

Thursday Oct 31, 2013
TGS 179-Convoy And The Cattlemen
Thursday Oct 31, 2013
Thursday Oct 31, 2013
Tom sees honky tonk country band Convoy & The Cattlemen out at Stumpy's in Arlington, Texas.
You'll hear from all the members of the band--plus a little music--and Tom talks about Saille Branch again!
With Tom's dating investigations, a Dale Watson story, some awesome country music, and Tom gets to interview a gorgeous fiddle player.